

Buying Marijuana in the country through the Telegram app
In the past few years, buying marijuana via the Telegram app has evolved into very popular and has revolutionized the way weed is bought, serviced, and the battle for quality. Every dealer fights for patrons because there is no margin for mistakes. Only the best persist.

Telegrass Purchasing – How to Purchase through Telegrass?
Buying cannabis using Telegrass is remarkably easy and fast with the Telegram app. Within minutes, you can have your order heading to your home or anywhere you are.

All You Need:

get the Telegram app.
Swiftly sign up with SMS authentication through Telegram (your number will not appear if you set it this way in the preferences to enjoy complete privacy and anonymity).
Start browsing for dealers with the search function in the Telegram app (the search bar appears at the upper part of the app).
After you have located a dealer, you can start chatting and start the discussion and purchasing process.
Your product is on its way to you, savor!
It is suggested to check out the piece on our site.

Click Here

Acquire Weed in the country via Telegram
Telegrass is a group network for the dispensation and sale of cannabis and other mild substances within the country. This is executed through the Telegram app where communications are completely encrypted. Merchants on the system provide speedy cannabis delivery services with the option of providing reviews on the excellence of the goods and the traders individually. It is calculated that Telegrass’s turnover is about 60 million NIS a month and it has been employed by more than 200,000 Israelis. According to authorities reports, up to 70% of illegal drug activities within the country was conducted through Telegrass.

The Law Enforcement Struggle
The Israel Police are trying to combat cannabis trafficking on the Telegrass system in various manners, like deploying operatives. On March 12, 2019, after an covert operation that went on about a year and a half, the police apprehended 42 senior members of the network, such as the originator of the group who was in Ukraine at the time and was released under house arrest after four months. He was extradited to the country following a legal decision in Ukraine. In March 2020, the Central District Court determined that Telegrass could be deemed a illegal group and the group’s founder, Amos Dov Silver, was accused with managing a criminal organization.

Telegrass was established by Amos Dov Silver after completing several sentences for small illegal drug activities. The system’s name is taken from the fusion of the words Telegram and grass. After his freedom from prison, Silver relocated to the United States where he opened a Facebook page for marijuana commerce. The page allowed marijuana traders to use his Facebook wall under a fake name to publicize their products. They interacted with patrons by tagging his profile and even posted photos of the goods available for trade. On the Facebook page, about 2 kilograms of weed were sold every day while Silver did not engage in the business or collect payment for it. With the expansion of the platform to about 30 cannabis traders on the page, Silver opted in March 2017 to shift the commerce to the Telegram app called Telegrass. In a week of its foundation, thousands enrolled in the Telegrass service. Other notable participants

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